Resolution PI Helps Businesses Realize The Full Potential of Their People
Hiring The Predictive Index® provides insight into a candidate's workplace behaviors, drives, and motivational needs that an in-depth interview could never reveal. This enables you to select candidates who will excel in a given position, and who will be driven to accomplish your business objectives.
Team Building Poor communication, ineffective leadership and/or a lack of common goals can prevent teams from achieving their goals. By providing objective information about motivating needs and communication styles of group members, we will show you small changes that will yield tremendous benefits.
Change Management When leaders see an urgent need for change and improvement, they are frequently surprised to find their normally supportive team actually resisting change. We can show you why, and help you structure initiatives in a way that invites support.
Recognition and Reward Systems Companies often expend valuable funds and resources recognizing and rewarding the accomplishments and service of their employees, only to be frustrated when the employees seem unappreciative or disappointed. We can help you set up low cost (and no cost!) systems for recognizing and rewarding the performance of your employees that will truly motivate for improved results.
Retention Retaining talented, motivated people is vital to the success of any company. We can help you retain people by structuring responsibilities in a way that leaves team members energized, focused, and eager, and by developing managers who more effectively lead and motivate.
Employee Development How can you get employees to focus their energy on your business initiative? With the Predictive Index®, we help you uncover unseen gaps between drive and job requirements, and then easily frame tasks in a way that invigorates and motivates them.
Succession Planning As your business moves forward and changes, who possesses the capabilities you will need? Which of your employees can step up to the next level of challenges? We can help you chart your organization's future by enabling you to take an objective look at the drives, capacities and motivations needed for the next level of leadership and challenges. |